A Parent's Experience of Trisomy 18: Presentation for The British Journal of Midwifery

Alison Pearson gave a talk at the British Journal of Midwifery Conference, A Parent's Experience of Trisomy 18. We are immensely proud to have been invited to present at this conference, helping professionals with a real-life experience.

Trisomy 18 (Edwards’ syndrome) - where babies have an extra copy of chromosome 18 - is the second most common type of Trisomy syndrome, and typically comes with a bleak prognosis.

This presentation shared Alison’s experiences as the mum of a child with Trisomy 18, and some of the lessons learned through her journey and her role as a trustee of SOFT UK, supporting other parents with a Trisomy 18 or 13 diagnosis. It is hoped that these insights can both raise awareness of these syndromes and help to identify how midwives can support parents in this situation.

The BJM is the leading journal for midwives, containing an unrivaled amount of clinical and professional content on midwifery. To find out more, click here: https://www.britishjournalofmidwifery.com/


Maebh’s Journey 2018 - now   


Joshua Kadum - Living with partial Trisomy 18