Scotland Family Day Lottery Funding

We are delighted to announce that The National Lottery accepted our grant bid for fundraising for our upcoming Scotland Family Day! This incredible news helps us in a number of ways, and we are extremely grateful to The National Lottery for their help and support.

What does this mean for the day?

We are now looking at acquiring sensory and play equipment for children with Trisomy 13 and Trisomy 18, helping to keep them engaged throughout the day. We will also be looking to bring in some entertainment for the older children and other siblings as well, so don’t worry about bringing the whole family.

We will be sure to bring more news and announcements as we have them, but in the meantime, make sure you’ve booked your tickets for the big day! We can’t wait to see you there.


National Rainbow Baby Day 2023


10k a Day For SOFT UK